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2012-02-17 16:57:19



             The 13th Exhibition of LiJia International machine tool 2012 · Chengdu Fair

2012年8月16-18日      成都世纪城新国际会议展览中心

Aug. 16 – 18, 2012

Chengdu Century City International Convention & Exposition Center





素有“天府之国”美誉的四川,经济总量在西部排名第一, 形成了电子信息、装备制造、能源电力、油气化工、钒钛钢铁等优势产业和航空航天、汽车制造以及新材料等潜力产业;打造了数字家电、大型发电成套设备、优质钢铁、国防、军工等一批市场份额居全国前三位的优势产品。同时,承接产业转移的成效初步显现,富士康、戴尔、联想、仁宝、丰田等企业纷纷布局成都.

     立嘉国际机床展览会·成都展会从06年起已连续成功举办6届, 在6年多的时间里,立嘉机床展·成都展会通过在德阳、广汉、成都、自贡、南充等地举办推广会;积极与协会院校等行业单位合作,依托与国内外大型装备制造企业及四川重庆本土机床生产企业、中间商建立良好的合作互动关系,为展会的发展奠定了坚实的基础。

     同时针对四川地区机械制造如叶片制造、钛合金加工等特点,与大型的龙头企业如东汽等单位联合举办专题技术交流会,得到了专业观众的认可,2011展会的有效观众增长超过了30%,参展商及展出面积增加了50%以上,展出实物设备310台/套, 立嘉成都展会进入了一个增长发展阶段;




The 13th CEMTE Chengdu Fair will be held in Chengdu Century City International Convention & Exposition Center from August 16 to 18, 2012.

Known as a Land of Abundance, Sichuan ranks on top in view of its GPD in the west, thanks to a complete chain of industries that include the electronics, information technology, machine building, energy, petrochemicals, vanadium & titanium steel, aerospace, automobile and new materials. Sichuan has build up a group of advantageous products ranking on Top 3 in view of market shares nationwide, e.g. digital home appliances, large power generation package, high-grade steel, national defense and military industry. Being a destination for accepting the industrial transition, Sichuan has attracted Foxconn, Dell, Legend, Compal and Toyota to establish their facilities in Chengdu.

The CEMTE Chengdu Fair has been held successfully for 6 sessions from 2006. In the past 6 years, the organizer launched a series of promotion activities in Deyang, Guanghan, Chengdu, Zigong and Nanchong, while seeking cooperation with the industrial associations, higher institutions, domestic & foreign giant manufacturers, local machine tool manufacturers and dealers in Sichuan and Chongqing. Such efforts pave a solid foundation for the development of CWMTE.

Considering the features of manufacturing industries in Sichuan, e.g. impeller and titanium alloy, the organizer launched specific technical exchanges in cooperation with the industrial leaders like Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd. The effective visitors to 2011’s CWMTE increased by 30%, the exhibitors and their booth area increased by 50% or more, with 310 sets of physical equipment shown in the fair. CWMTE Chengdu Fair stepped into a round of fast development.

The 13th CWMTE Chengdu Fair will be expanded to two halls, with the exhibition area up to 15000m2. It is expected that 800 booths will be provided and 12,000 professional visitors will be attracted. With your participation, CWMTE Chengdu Fair will be more attractive!

The visitors to 2011’s CWMTE Chengdu Fair include: China National Erzhong Group, China Academy of Engineering Physics, China Aerospace Science & Technology Corp., Nuclear Power Institute of China, China Electronic Science & Technology Group No. 10 Research Institute, COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Co., Ltd., Chengdu Engine Corp., Chengdu Aircraft Corp., Guizhou Liyang Aero-engine Corp., Guizhou Xinyi Machinery Factory, Guizhou Yunma Aircraft Ltd., Dongfang Turbine Ltd., Chengdu ALD Aviation Ltd., Chengdu Dekun Aviation Equipment Ltd., Chengdu Nuclear 857 New Materials Ltd., Chengdu Kehuatong Valve Ltd., Chengdu Karon Heavy Industry Machinery Ltd., Pansteel Group Research Institute, Pratt & Whitney Aerotech Manufacturing (Chengdu) Ltd., Sichuan Changjiang Hydraulic Ltd., Jiuzhou Wire and Cable Ltd., Sichuan Air Separation Group, Sichuan Sentian Fire Fighting Equipment Ltd., Zigong Haichuan Industry, Chongqing Southwest Aluminum Fabrication, Chongqing Yunhe Hydropower, CSR Ziyang Ltd., etc.

Welcome to the 13th CWMTE Chengdu Fair!

参展内容[Scope of Exhibition]




◆数控与自动化类: 数控系统(NC、CNC、DNC、PLC);网络技术、步进系统、伺服驱动系统、数显装置;电主轴、数控刀塔、刀库、直线导轨、滚动丝杆、集中润滑站、排屑装置、拖链等机床功能部件、附件、机床及机械电器电控及变频设备;液压、气动、密封装置及冷却装置;传动装置;润滑油及冷却液等。





u       Metal Cutting Tool: CNC machine tool, machine center, industrial robot & flexible manufacturing cell; lathe, milling machine, grinding machine, drilling machine, boring machine, tooth machine, screw machine, cutting machine, special machine tool, combination machine tool; electric, laser and other special machine tools.

u       Forging Machine: Hydraulic machine, stamping machine, shear machine, bending machine, pipe bender, plate coiler, smoothening machine, air hammer, and forging machine.

u       Tool, Fixture and Measuring Instruments: Cutter, tool, fixture, abrasive materials & tool, grinding wheel; measuring tools, measuring instruments, test equipment, coordinate measuring machine, defect detector, stabilizer and other testing tools.

u       Numerical Control and Automation:  Numerical control system (NC, CNC, DNC and PLC); network technology, stepping system, servo drive system, digital display; main electric shaft, CNC tool holder, tool magazine, straight guiderail, rolling screw, centralized lubrication station, scrap discharge device, chain and other functional components / accessories on the machine tool; electrical control and frequency inverter equipment; hydraulic, pneumatic, sealing and cooling equipment; transmission equipment; lubricating oil and cooling liquids, etc.

u       Die and Materials: Die design and manufacture technology; die CAD/CAE/CAM system; plastic mould and rubber mould, stamping die, automobile interior mould, casting die and gravity die, fast die and quick forming technology, standard die, die materials, graphiteelectrode; die press, plastic injector and die manufacturing equipment.

u       Computer Application Technologies (CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/PDM)

u       Industrial container, tool cabinets, storage & logistics equipment.

u       Other new technologies and equipment.


布展时间:2012年8月13-15日             展览时间:2012年8月16-18日9点-16.30分

撤展时间:2012年8月18日14时开始                 2012年8月18日9点-14时

Preparation:    Aug. 13 – 15, 2012                            Exhibition:    AM 09:00-PM 16:30, Aug. 16 – 18, 2012

Removal:       From PM 14:00, Aug. 18, 2012               AM 09:00-PM 12:00, Aug. 18, 2012

同期活动[Other Activities]





由山特维克可乐满、成都普瑞斯数控机床有限公司赞助的“首届钛合金切削高效加工技术研讨会” 2011年9 月5日10:00-16:30,参会单位包括成飞等近100家企业的200名代表参加了会议。

由山高刀具赞助,主讲单位主要有东方电气……山高刀具、北京机电院、自贡长征等举办的“第二届汽轮机叶片加工技术及工艺装备交流会”于2011年9 月6日13:00-16:30,参会单位包括:绵阳鑫坤等200多名代表参加会议。

Technical exchanges will be held with CWMTE Chengdu Fair. Sponsors are wanted for the following activities. For details, please contact us.

1.       The 3rd Forum on Gas Turbine Blade Machining Technologies and Equipment

2.       The 2nd Forum on Titanium Alloy Cutting Technology


The 1st Forum on Titanium Alloy Cutting Technology, sponsored by Sandvik Coromant and Chengdu Precise CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd., was held at 10:00 ~ 16:30, Sep. 5. More than 200 representatives from nearly 100 enterprises like Chengdu Aircraft were attracted.

The 2nd Forum on Gas Turbine Blade Machining Technologies and Equipment was sponsored by Seco Tools and held at PM 13:00 ~ 16:30, Sep. 6. More than 200 audiences from Mianyang Xinkun and other enterprises were attracted.

展位费用[Booth Charge]







RMB 6800/

RMB 8800/

USD 1800/


RMB 720/

RMB 920/

USD 180/



RMB 6200/

RMB 8200/

USD 1500/


RMB 650/

RMB 850/

USD 160/

l         标准展位配置:展板、企业名称标准楣标、一张洽谈桌、两把座椅、两盏射灯、一个5A/220A电源插座(不含照明及机械用电)、地毯

l         空地:无任何配置,36 m2起租

l         备注:可根据展位不同,享受不同程度的价格优惠,详情欢迎来电咨询!


Exhibition Area

Booth Size

Domestic Exhibitor (RMB)

Joint Venture Enterprise (RMB)

Foreign Exhibitor (USD)

Special Area

Standard booth (9 m2)

RMB 6800/booth

RMB 8800/ booth

USD 1800/booth

Empty space (Min. 36m2)

RMB 720/ m2

RMB 920/ m2

USD 180/ m2



Standard booth (9 m2)

RMB 6200/booth

RMB 8200/booth

USD 1500/booth

Empty space (Min. 36 m2)

RMB 650/ m2

RMB 850/ m2

USD 160/ m2

l         Standard Booth Configuration: Display board, standard overhead poster, 1 table, 2 chairs, 2 spotlights, 1 5A/220A power socket (exclusive of the lighting and machinery power) and carpet

l         Empty Space: No configuration, Min. rent: 36 m2

l         Remarks: Discount varies with the booth. Welcome to consult us!



地址:成都市高新区世纪城路920号6栋2单元28层2号    邮编:610000

联系人:孙俊良   15828617981(成都)、13983797059(重庆) QQ:531777100

电话: 028-85144168    65573957    023-86308301

传真: 028-85144168    65573958    023-86308300

邮箱: sunjunliang926@126.com


Chengdu Lijia Conference & Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Add.: 2-28-2, Building 6#, No.920 Century City Road, Hi-tech District, Chengdu   Postcode: 610000

Contact: Junliang  SUN   15828617981(Chengdu)13983797059Chongqing QQ: 531777100

Tel: 028-85144168    65573957    023-86308301

Fax: 028-85144168    65573958    023-86308300

E-mail: sunjunliang926@126.com

Website: www.cwmte.com.cn

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